
Schedules a proofer to automatically calibrate the loaded media at a specific time. The Schedule button is available only for media configurations that are created for an inline spectrophotometer and the Precision Color Calibration wizard.


Cancels the Precision Color calibration that is currently running with the Precision Color Calibration wizard closed. The Precision Color Calibration wizard can be closed when a printer with an inline spectrophotometer calibrates. For a printer with an inline spectrophotometer, the wizard can be closed when a scheduled calibration starts, or when you close the wizard and let an automated calibration complete. In these cases, the Cancel button lets you cancel the calibration when you cannot use the Precision Color Calibration wizard to cancel the process. You can optionally resume a cancelled Precision Color calibration at a later time. Select the media configuration, and click the Calibrate button to resume the calibration.


Starts the Calibration wizard that guides you through the entire calibration process.
If you cancel a Precision Color Calibration wizard session or the session fails, you can choose between resuming the Precision Color Calibration wizard session for the calibration or starting a new calibration. The software presents you with a choice after you click the Calibrate button

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