Page tree

    Prinergy enables you to create and edit jobs, refine input files into pages, assign pages to page sets and impositions, proof pages and impositions, output to film or plate, monitor job activity and status, and archive job files.

    Prinergy product family

    Prinergy is the name of the product family that includes:

    • Prinergy Workflow
    • Prinergy Evo Workflow

    Products features are controlled by licensing. The Prinergy Administrator license determines the number of concurrent users allowed in a Prinergy system. You may add features to your Prinergy product by purchasing license keys for specific features. 

    Components of Prinergy

    Prinergy consists of several software components:

    • Prinergy Administrator enables you to configure and manage your Prinergy system.
      Administrator runs on the Prinergy server.  For information about Administrator, see the Prinergy System Administration Guide.
    • Prinergy Workshop is the component that you use on a daily basis. It enables you to create jobs, assign pages to page sets and imposition plans, monitor job activity and status, and start processing on elements. 
      Prinergy Workshop is client software that runs on both Macintosh and Windows operating systems. It can be distributed throughout your facility, creating a teamwork environment where prepress managers, customer service representatives, prepress operators, and plateroom operators can initiate work or obtain current production status.

    This guide provides detailed information about using Prinergy Workshop. Prinergy Workshop visually groups all of the information pertaining to a job, including source files, imposition plans, status, history, and other data.

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