You can search for a specific job or jobs in the list of jobs displayed in the Jobs view or Pre-Jobs view. The search is performed on all of the jobs in the database. The results show a list of jobs or pre-jobs depending on the tab you are viewing (Jobs view or Pre-Jobs view).
- In Job Finder, in the search box located in the upper-right corner, type a search term.
A list of all jobs with names that contain the search term is displayed.
Notes:- You can use uppercase or lowercase letters. The search is not case‑sensitive.
- If you do not know the exact name, you can use the "*" wild card in place of one or more letters. For example, if you search for
, you will find all jobs that start withmagazine
. You can use multiple wild cards in the same search.
- To narrow your search results or search by other criteria (not job name), you can use the advanced search. To do so, click the
- In the Search for jobs that match..., select All or Any, and then proceed to define the criteria for the search.
- In the first list select an option, then select an option from the second list, and type the appropriate search term in the text box.
- To add additional search criteria, click , and repeat step 2b.
- When you finish defining the search criteria, click Search.
- To close the advanced search section, click .
arrow on the right side of the search box, and perform the following actions:
NOTE: The searching for Keywords has not been implemented yet (PRINERGY-29046).