The Kodak Prinergy PDF Compare software is a Kodak plug-in for the Adobe Acrobat software that enables you to compare two Portable Document Format (PDF) files.
Use PDF Compare when you want to avoid having to retrap objects that haven't changed between an original trapped PDF and a revised trapped PDF. You can use PDF Compare to identify which objects have and haven't changed between versions. Once you know which objects haven't changed, you can retain the trapping data for those objects from the original PDF.
You might also want to compare two PDF files, for instance, when you want to check text differences between files (for example, to proofread changes made to the revised PDF), and when you want to check ink differences between files.
Note: Checking ink differences is useful when you need to remake plates. By using PDF Compare to check ink differences, you can determine which color separations have changed so that you only need to remake the plates for those separations rather than for all separations.
When using PDF Compare, be aware of the following restrictions:
- PDF Compare enables you to compare PDF to PDF only. You cannot compare other file types.
- When comparing two files for ink differences, PDF Compare can only process files that do not contain any RGB images.
Prinergy PDF Compare will work with Adobe Acrobat 8 or later.