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    You need to use a font search path if the fonts for the job are not available.
    The font search path specifies the location of the fonts. You can copy a font search path from an existing job when you create a new job, or you can set the font search path later, from Job Manager.

    You do not need to set a font search path when either of the following is true:

    • The fonts are embedded in the job files
    • The fonts are in the <Job Folder>\Fonts folder

    When Prinergy processes a job and detects that fonts are missing, it automatically looks in the following places, in the following order:

    • The location specified in the font search path for the job
    • The <Job Folder>\Fonts folder (for fonts converted for a specific job)
    • The %AraxiHome%\CreoAraxi\Data\Fonts folder (for fonts converted for all jobs)

    When the fonts you want to use for the job are located in two or more folders, you must add a search path for each folder that you want Prinergy to search, and specify the order in which you want Prinergy to search the folders.

    Missing or non-embedded fonts can be embedded into the PDF during the refining process. The font locations which the refiner uses for embedding are:

    • Normalizer fonts: %AraxiHome%\AdobeExtreme\bin\fonts
    • Global font converter fonts: %AraxiHome%\CreoAraxi\data\fonts
    • Job font converter fonts: <Job Folder>\Fonts

    Note: The 14 base fonts are automatically embedded during refining. Therefore, the Prinergy normalize function will not detect missing 14 base fonts in a PDF file. To avoid this, customers can either:

      • Clear the Ignore the 14 base fonts check box in the Preflight Profile Editor.
      • Move the Normalizer fonts (except for Courier) out of the %AraxiHome%\AdobeExtreme\bin\fonts folder. This prohibits the normalize function from embedding missing fonts, and causes the normalize function to fail even for the missing 14 base fonts.
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