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Note: PLA requires artwork and die files that can be accessed from a valid UNC path. Make sure that the activity files referenced are on a network volume.

  1. In Packaging Layout Automation Manager and the Status tab, select New and the layout ticket Demo_ASPS_SRList. Click OK.
  2. In the Job Name box, type XX_Nested_Label (where XX is your initials).
  3. In the Layout Name box, type Neck Layout.
  4. In the Artwork area, add the file OrangeNeckLblWDieline2.pdf.
  5. In the StepRepeat area, click Add to open the Step & Repeat dialog box. Set the following parameters:
    • Steps > Repeat:
    • Cols: 1 ; Rows: 6
    • Gap X: 0 in; Y: 0 in
  6. Review the Original area and make note of the artwork sizes (width and height).
  7. Click OK and the dialog box closes.
  8. In the StepRepeat area, click Add again and set the following parameters for the second Step&Repeat:
    • Layout > Position: X: 2.181 in; Y: 0 in
      Note: X =Left margin (0") + Artwork width (3.056") + Nest adjustment (-0.875)
    • Steps > Repeat:
    • Cols: 1 ; Rows: 6
    • Gap X: 0 in; Y: 0 in
    • Original > Artwork Rotation: 180 degrees
  9. Click Validate.
  10. Click Send to Prinergy, if your form passes the validation.
  • No labels