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Open Files

To open one or more (VPS or TIFF) files in a new window, use the Open... menu item, or click the Open icon in the Job Toolbar.

You can select specific files you want to display on the front or back surfaces, whether they belong to the same job or not.

To open selected files in a new window:

  1. From the File menu, select Open... and the Open Separation Files dialog box appears.

  2. The dialog box has tabs for Front Surface and Back Surface.
  3. Select the tab for the desired surface and click Add.
  4. Select the files you want to add and click Open. You will be able to view the added file names added to each surface.
  5. Click OK to open and view the selected files.

Add Files

You can also add additional separations to an imposition by using the Add Files icon. This brings up the same dialog as the Open... menu.

File Formats

Prinergy VPS+ software will open preview files with file name extension .VPS produced by Prinergy workflows.

VPS+ will also open high-resolution TIFF files with a file name extension of .TIF, provided they are 1-bit files.

Certain TIFF files may be formatted in such a way that VPS cannot open the file without first reformatting the file to be compatible. An example of this is when a TIFF file has been saved in Stripped format with strips larger than 512K. In these cases, VPS+ will reformat to a more efficient form for memory handling, and will append the file name with _translate to indicate that it has been reformatted. VPS+ will automatically open up the _translate file.

VPS+ can also open LEN files for viewing, and will automatically reformat as .TIF before opening. The original LEN file will be preserved, and a new file be created with "l2t.tif" appended at the end of the name.

Viewing files from Prinergy

When outputting files from Prinergy, always select Advanced TIFF Tags in Prinergy Output Process Templates,  to embed color definitions and geometry information in VPS and TIFF files. If Advanced TIFF Tags are included in the files, VPS+ will recognize spot color names and display their color equivalents. 

VPS+ is able to extract geometric information (such as trim size, bleed and imposition page number) for imposed VPS/TIFFs output from Prinergy workflow systems. This geometry and position information is written as proprietary Kodak tags into the headers of the files. VPS+ has UI selections that allow display of imposition information, press sheet, page and bleed edges, page numbers and type safety edges.

There is no ISO standard for imposition tags, so VPS+ is not able to read proprietary imposition tags from TIFFs produced by other workflow systems.

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