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    Note: This procedure assumes that Prinergy Workshop is already installed. For information on installing Prinergy Workshop, contact your system administrator.

    1. On your client desktop, double-click the Workshop  icon.
      The Connect to Server dialog box appears.
    2. If your system has more than one server, in the Server list, select the primary server.
      If the Server list does not display the server that you want, the server may be in a different Windows subnet (Windows) or Apple zone (Macintosh). In that case, select Other. In the Enter Host Name dialog box, type the IP address or name of the server and then click OK.
    3. Compare the number in the Workshop Version field with the number in the Server Version field. If the numbers are different, update Prinergy Workshop now.
    4. In the User name box, type your user name.
      If you do not know your user name, contact your system administrator. 
    5. In the Password box, type your password.
      If you do not know your password, contact your system administrator.
    6. If your system includes Prinergy Business Link software, and you may want to change the current user without having to restart Prinergy Workshop, select Enable User Switching.
    7. Click Login.

    Prinergy Workshop starts and the Job Finder appears.

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