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    The management of the Preflight+ profiles is performed in the Preflight + Profile Manager software. You view, create, and modify Preflight+ profiles in Preflight+ Profile Manager.

    1. From the Tools menu, select Preflight+ Profile Manager.
      The Preflight Profile Manager dialog box appears.
    2. Perform one of the following as appropriate:  

    If You Want To...


    View a profile

    Select a profile, click Edit, and in the dialog box that opens, view the defined settings. After viewing the settings, click Cancel.

    Add a profile

    Click Add, define the settings as desired, and then click OK
    If the profile name you typed already exists, in the dialog box that opens, click Change Profile Name, type a new name for the profile, and then click OK.
    The new profile appears on the list of customized profiles in the left pane.

    Edit a profile

    Select a profile, click Edit, modify the settings as desired, and then click OK.


    • If the profile you selected is in the Locked status (a system profile), in the dialog box that opens, click Change Profile Name, type a new name for the edited
      profile, and click OK.

    • If you changed the name of the profile, in the dialog box that opens, select Replace or Keep Both Profiles

    Copy a profile

    Select a profile, click Edit, modify the name of the profile and any other settings as desired, and then click OK.
    In the dialog box that opens, click Keep Both Profiles.

    Remove a profile

    Select one or more profiles, and then click Delete. In the confirmation message that appears, click Yes.


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