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You can set a minimum absolute step limit as a threshold below which no traps will be generated between adjacent colors (objects) if the absolute difference in the amount of colorants between two objects is less than the absolute step limit. This limit is intended to prevent traps between very light colors or colors with very small color steps, as found in blends.
For a trap to occur, the difference between amounts of colorants (separations) must be greater than the minimum absolute step limit and the value set for the relative step limit.

  1. From within PDF Trap Editor, select the Detailed view of the Trap Page or Trap Selection dialog box.
  2. Click the Inks tab.
  3. Type the absolute step limit value in the <boxname> box.
    The range is 1 percent to 100 percent.

    Absolute Step Limit


    5 percent (default)

    If two adjacent colors (objects) differ by less than or equal to 5 percent, then no traps are generated.

    Lower threshold

    When a lower threshold is selected, more traps are generated. Traps are generated between adjacent colors with small differences in the amount of colorant, depending on the values set for other trap-decision parameters.

    Higher threshold

    When a higher threshold is selected, fewer traps are generated. Traps are generated between adjacent colors only if there are large differences in amount of colorant, depending on the values set for other trap-decision parameters.

    100 percent (max)

    When the maximum value is selected, no traps are generated.

See Also

Setting relative step limit

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