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You can search for elements and folders in projects or libraries, using the element's name and/or attributes or folder's name and/or attributes.

You can search for elements and folders at all levels: customer or all customers, all projects, all libraries, project groups, library groups, a specific project, or a specific library.

You can only search for elements and folders in libraries and projects for which you are assigned a role. For projects, the role must include the View Elements Tab user right.

  1. Select the customer, project, or library.
  2. Perform one of the following actions:
    • For element search, select Element > Search Elements.
    • For folder search, select Folder > Search Folders.
  3. Type the search keyword.
    The search is not case-sensitive.
    You can refine your search criteria in several ways:
    • Search for a particular attribute by selecting an attribute in the criteria list.
    • Search on multiple criteria by clicking the plus sign beside the search box.
      Another search box appears. You can open up to five search boxes.
    • For both element or folder name and attribute, specify where in the search results the keyword that you type should appear. Select one of the following parameters:
      • Contains: The keyword appears somewhere in each search result. For example, if you type image, the results might include and duck_image_new.tif.
      • Begins With: Each search result begins with the keyword. For example, if you type image, the results might include and imagery.tif.
      • Ends With: Each search result ends with the keyword. For example, if you type tif, the results might include image.tif and DuckImage.tif.
      • Equals To: Each search result is exactly the keyword, with no characters before or after. For example, 150 dpi.
      Tip: When possible, use the Equals To option. If the database is large, the results return more quickly.
    • You can also refine your search in the following ways:
      • Change the location where the search occurs
      • Select how many search results you want to appear on each page.
    The search results appear. 
    Note: The first 500 results appear, in alphabetical order by file name.
  4. Perform any of the following actions on the search results:


Do this

Open an element in Smart Review

Click the file name.

Open the folder itself or the folder in which an element is located

Click the arrow beside the element or folder.

View an attribute of an element or a folder

Click the View all attributes link. 
Note: The link appears only when an attribute was used for the search criteria.

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