Note: In the examples below, versions are represented as: EE = EnglishEast, EW = EnglishWest, SE = SpanishEast, and SW = SpanishWest

When outputting proofs, you can select a color to output change content to distinguish them from common content.

For example, if both the EngWest version and the common layer extracted CMYK in the version plan, you could distinguish the change black from the common black by outputting all the change content in a special color such as hot pink.

The color name that you choose must have a recipe in the color library. If Prinergy cannot find the color recipe, the change content will be output in green color. To add a recipe to the color library, see the relevant topic in the guide.

  1. Open the proof process template that you want to use.
  2. In the Render section, in the Versioning Proof Mapping Color box, type the color name that you want the change content to appear in.
  3. Save the process template.

Use this process template when you want to create proof output in which the change content paints in the specified color.

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