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  1. In Packaging Layout Automation Manager, click the Marks tab and open the folder SmartMarks.
  2. Select the CB_6-color_2-tier.pdf file.
  3. On the Mark Settings dialog box, modify the Side Placement settings to be Both Sides. Retain all other settings.
  4. Click Save As, name the new mark XX_6-Color_2-tier, and save it to the XX_Markset folder that you created in the Use Packaging Layout Automation: create SmartMarks and mark sets activity.
  5. Click Save.
  6. Repeat the same steps that you just performed for both the SGL_Sideguide_Triangle.pdf and SGR_Sideguide_Triangle.pdf files. In addition, modify the Mirror setting to be Mirror on Back for both of these marks.
  7. Click Refresh and locate your new SmartMarks.
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