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    OPI version is incompatible with

    Determines whether the PDF file is incompatible with the OPI version that you specify.
    To check OPI compatibilities select the OPI version is incompatible with check box and select 1.3, 2.0, or 1.3 and 2.0 from the adjacent list. OPI 2.0 defines a new set of comments and rules with no backward compatibility to version 1.x.

    OPI is used

    Determines whether the PDF file contains OPI images with a higher resolution than the value that you specify.
    To check an OPI image for a PDF file select the OPI is used check box. To remove OPI image references with a higher resolution than you want, select the Fix check box and type the maximum resolution in the adjacent box.
    Note: PDF Preflight will not detect OPI images if the Search for High-Resolution Images in Image Search Paths check box is selected on the Fonts and Images panel in the Refine process template. PDF Preflight will not detect non embedded fonts, if the Fail on Missing Fonts check box is selected on the Fonts and Images panel in the Refine process template.

    High-resolution image in OPI path is missing

    Determines whether the high-resolution image is missing in the OPI path or in any folders in the path. If the image is missing, additional processing of the PDF file may fail.

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