Before using the imposition software for the first time, configure the imposition software.
If you have a Pandora integration license, you can create and edit Pandora impositions through Prinergy Workshop. The license allows for the automatic transfer of files between the imposition software and a Prinergy Workshop job.

For more information, see the Pandora with Prinergy User Guide.

  1. In Job Manager, perform the following as appropriate:


    Do this

    Create a new imposition

    From the File menu, select Create New Imposition.
    The New Imposition dialog box appears.

    Edit an existing imposition

    1. Switch to the Signatures view.
    2. In the Imposition Plans pane, double-click the imposition you want to edit, or click Edit > Edit Imposition
      The Edit Imposition dialog box appears.
  2. If you are creating an imposition, in the Imposition Name box, enter an imposition name.
    Otherwise, the box is read-only.
  3. If more than one imposition software is configured, in the Select an imposition application box, select the software you want to use.
  4. If you do not want to use the default import or export process template, click Select accordingly, and select the process template that you want.
  5. In the Import Type list, leave the default at Automatic.
    Select Manual only if you want to edit the import process template.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Perform the following as appropriate:

    If you are

    Do this

    Creating a new imposition

    In the New Imposition Details dialog box, in Imposition Name, type the imposition name.

    Editing an existing imposition

    Go to step 9.

  8. Perform the following as appropriate:

    If you want to


    Use an existing page set

    Select Use Existing Page Set and select the page set from the list.
    Click OK.

    Create a new page set

    Select Create New Page Set and specify the name, prefix, and number of pages for the imposition.
    Click OK.

  9. In Pandora, modify the imposition as needed.
    For more information, see the Pandora documentation.
  10. Save and close the imposition.
    Prinergy automatically imports the imposition into the Prinergy Workshop job.
  11. If your imposition fails to import automatically because of a system failure, manually import the job ticket from Pandora.
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