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Why you should complete this activity

In this activity you will learn the following tasks:

  • While creating a layout, add an artwork and smart marks, and apply options in a step-and-repeat layout for outputting to a supported large format proofing device
  • Check an imposed, two-sided, step-and-repeat layout and its virtual proof


Operators, or anyone who will use the Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack software together with the Pandora software regularly, should complete this activity. 

Time required

Approximately 15–20 minutes

Recommended reading

  • Packaging Layout Automation User Guide (especially search key words: Create layout, Working with Layouts, Manually create a layout ticket, ASPS)

What you'll need

For this activity, locate the following job files:

  • Packaging Activity Source Files\Hungry Cat Label\Hungry Cat Label 1.pdf
  • Packaging Activity Source Files\Hungry Cat Label\Hungry Cat Label 1 Back.pdf
  • CB_6-color_2tier.pdf
  • SGL_Sideguide_Triangle.pdf
  • SGR_Sideguide_Triangle.pdf

Activity specifications

If you are confident that you can complete the activity on your own, view the following naming conventions and required settings.

Naming convention

  • Job name: XX_PLA_Step_Repeat (where XX is your initials)

Important: If you are using the translated version of Pandora in French, Spanish or German, remember to use a comma (,) for fractional measurements instead of a period (.). For example, English = 456.7 French/Spanish/German = 456,7

  • No labels