If the original file has multiple pages and a limited number of pages need corrections, you can create corrected input files with new names that each have one page per file. When the pages are refined, the original pages are not overwritten. Page assignment must be redone for the corrected pages.
In this approach, the original pages are preserved, but the corrected files are assigned to the page set and are output to plate. The benefit of this approach is that the original pages are present and can be referred to. However, this may cause confusion because there are multiple copies of a page.

  1. Create the corrected pages so that there's a single page in each file. Ensure that you use a consistent, predictable naming convention.
  2. Refine the new file(s).
    The existing pages are not overwritten. Page assignments are not preserved.
  3. Assign the revised pages to the page set either manually or using APA.


The original job file is book.pdf and contains pages 1 through 98. Refining it in Prinergy creates the files book.p1.pdf through book.p98.pdf.
The corrected files are named with a convention that lists their page number, such as book.RevPage2.pdf and book.RevPage74.pdf. Refining them in Prinergy creates the files book.RevPage2.p1.pdf and book.RevPage74.p1.pdf.
By default, Prinergy does not automatically assign the revised pages to the existing page set. The revised pages can be assigned manually or automatically by refining the new file with APA. For the example above, the APA pattern would be ASSIGN= "[$].RevPage[#Position].p1.pdf" "*" [#Position] 1.

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