When using the OPI step in the refine process, you can use transparency features for TIFF images, such as soft masks and drop shadows.

Soft masks

PDF files can contain images with soft masks, such as feathered edges or soft silhouettes, that blend smoothly into the background—even if the background contains text or other images.
If OPI is required for TIFF images, Prinergy creates the soft mask from the first detected alpha channel in the TIFF file. The mechanism is similar to importing images into the Adobe InDesign software.
For example, here is an original image, a soft mask, and the resulting image with a soft mask:

Original image

Soft mask

Resulting image

Drop shadows

PDF files can have drop shadows that blend smoothly into the document background. The objects behind a drop shadow show through the drop shadow; they are not hidden by it.
Typically, drop shadows result from creating one image as a shadow and placing it on top of another image. For example, here is an original image, a drop shadow, and the resulting image with a drop shadow:

Original image

Drop shadow image

Resulting image

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