1. In Workshop, from the Tools menu, select Color Space Editor.
    In the Color Space Editor, perform one of the following actions:


Do This

Add a color space

    1. Click Add.
    2. In the Color Space Name box, type the name of the color space.
    3. Click Browse. In the Select File dialog box, navigate to the location of the ICC profile, click Select"<ICCprofilename.icc>", and then click Apply.

Rename a component
    1. In the Color Spaces box, select a custom color space.
    2. In the Components list, select a component, and click Edit.
    3. In the Rename Color Component dialog box, type the new name, click OK, and then click Apply.

Remove a color space
    1. In the Color Spaces list, select a color space, and then click Remove.
    2. When the confirmation dialog box appears, click OK.

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