Page tree

    Note: In the example below, versions are represented as: EE = EnglishEast, EW = EnglishWest, SE = SpanishEast, and SW = SpanishWest

    By default, all versions are output. However, when creating proofs, you can select individual versions to output. For example:

    1. Perform the following as appropriate:

      If outputting


      Loose page proofs

      Select the desired versioned pages in the Pages pane of the Pages view.

      Imposition proofs

      Select the desired surfaces in the Imposition Plans pane of the Signatures view.

    2. Start the output process.
    3. In the Start Process dialog box, expand the Options area, click Output Selected Versions, and select the desired versions.


    • You can decide not to print error layers/versions even if they are selected for output. To do so, in the loose page output, imposition output, or final output process template, in the Render section, select the Restrict output of layers/versions with errors check box.
    • If a version with error is selected for loose page or imposition output, and you select the Print LPV-generated X marks on output check box (in the loose page output or imposition output process template, in the Render section), a red X will be printed on the version output using the spot color or converted to CMYK as defined in the process template. If you selected Restrict output of layers/versions with errors check box, this check box is unavailable.
    • No labels