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You can apply a screen instance to all of the objects and groups of objects you have selected and that are listed in the Properties Editor.

  1. In the Acrobat window, select the object (or objects) that you want to apply screening to.
  2. In the Properties Editor, select an object or group of objects.
    The object's screening properties show in the Properties Editor ScreenCalibration CurveColorant, and Screen Angle fields.
  3. Choose the screen instance you want to apply from the Screen list.
  4. (Optional) Select the calibration curve you want to apply from the Calibration Curve list.
  5. (Optional) Click a colorant's screen angle and select an angle to apply.
  6. Click Apply to All.

DotShop applies the screen instance, the calibration curve, and the colorant angles shown in the Properties Editor to all of the selected objects.

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