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Note: If you have another Prepress Portal server or PressProof server connected to the same Prinergy server, those servers must be upgraded at the same time. Your main Prepress Portal server must be upgraded last. For example, if you have Prepress Portal server and a PressProof server, the PressProof server must be upgraded first and the Prepress Portal server last.

You need to restart Prinergy services only once after all the Prepress Portal servers have been upgraded.

Important: If an error message appears when you are performing the upgrade, do not click Continue or Cancel. Contact your local Response Center representative to report the error.

Important: Extract files to a folder on the InSite server.

  1. Log on to the Prepress Portal server using the ARAXI account. Do not perform the upgrade using a Remote Desktop connection.

  2. If you have not downloaded the file and the installer already, download the files now and save the files to the J:\InSiteStuff drive on your Prepress Portal server.

  3. Extract the file that you have previously downloaded to the J:\InSiteStuff folder.

  4. For Pressproof Standalone and Prepress Portal Enterprise server only: To map a drive to the Oracle Patch Set installer, follow these steps:
    1. Copy the file to the J:\InSiteStuff drive.
    2. Extract the file to the root of the J:\ drive.
      Note: The extracted path J:\OraclePatchSet\OraclePatcher should contain 17 patch files. If it does not, contact the Customer Engagement Center.
    3. Open a command prompt and type the following command: C:\> subst O: j:\OraclePatchSet
    4. Press Enter.
      Important: Make sure you map the root folder OraclePatchSet. DO NOT map the OraclePatcher folder directly.
  5. In the J:\InSiteStuff folder, open the InSite_9.5.0.73/InSite folder and double-click setup.exe.
    The InSite Backup and Rehost Utility window appears.

  6. Select Backup and click Next.
  7. In the Location for backup files box, navigate to the J drive. At the root of the J drive, create a folder called InSiteBackup and select this folder as your backup destination.
    Important: Do not use any spaces in the name of your new backup folder.

    • It is recommended that you back up the files on a local drive with at least 30 GB of free disk space. (The system does not enable you to back up the files to the system drive).

    • If there are any failures or warnings during the backup process, stop and contact your local response center representative.

  8. Click Next.The backup process begins. The following items are backed up on the InSite server:

    • Color management (color profiles)
    • Customization folders (all customized components)
    • License key
    • Network configuration
    • Registry data

    • Web.Config file

    • IIS configuration

    • Learning Center

    • The backup process can take 20-30 minutes and is fully scripted. Be patient and allow the process time to complete. Do not close any of the backup process windows.

    • To view what has been backed up, go to the location that you defined for backup on the J: drive.

  9. The installer will verify that you have the InSite Prepress Portal 9.5 upgrade option in your license.
    Important: If you receive a warning about the option not being available, stop immediately and contact your service representative for an InSite Prepress Portal 9.5 upgrade key. 

  10. When the backup process displays Completed in all steps, click Done.

  11. When the InSite installer starts, click Next.
    The Prinergy Database Backup window appears.
    Important: If you do not have a recent successful Prinergy backup, the following steps must be performed on the Prinergy primary server:

  12. To run the manual backup, navigate to the SnapshotDB folder located in the J: drive of your Prinergy primary server and double click sysBackupSnapshotDB.exe. If this directory and file do not exist, copy the Prinergy folder from InSite_9.5.0.73\Backup located on the InSite server to the J: drive of your Prinergy primary server and double-click sysBackupSnapshotDB.exe
    The InSite: Database Backup window appears.
    Note: When the sysBackupSnapshotDB tool is running, Prinergy is shut down. 

  13. To start the database backup process, click Backup.
    A console window appears.
    Note: The database backup can take some time to complete depending on the database size. Do not close this console window. Be patient and allow the process to complete. It may take some time before the console window is updated by the backup process as files are being copied in the background.

  14. When the database backup is complete, click Finish.
  15. When you complete the database backup process, start the Prinergy service in the Prinergy Administrator and return to the installation window on the InSite server.
    Important: The remaining steps must be performed back on the InSite server.

  16. On the Prinergy Database Backup window, select the I have completed the manual database backup check box, and click Next.

  17. In the User Account dialog box, type and confirm the password for the ARAXI account, or if your InSite server is in a DMZ environment, the password for the InSiteService account, and click Next.
    Note: The password for the ARAXI account on the Prepress Portal server must match the password for the ARAXI account on the Prinergy primary server.

  18. If you are upgrading a Kodak Pressproof Standalone or Prepress Portal Enterprise server, the installer updates the Oracle software on your system. This process can take upwards of 30 minutes or more. Be patient and allow the installer to complete. The install progress might display a Not Responding message during this step. Do not attempt to force quit or interrupt this step.

  19. On the InSite Configuration Utility screen, click Next.
  20. Leave all settings as they are and click Next or Apply until you reach the Finished screen, and then click Close.

  21. On the Configuration Results screen, click Done, and then click Finish.

  22. On the Restart Server screen, select the Yes, I want to restart my computer now option, and click Finish.
    Wait until the server restarts.

  23. The InSite Configuration Utility (ICU) has updated the Rules-Based Automation (RBA) for InSite 9.5 on the Prinergy primary server. Stop and start Prinergy for these rules to take effect.

Important:When you upgrade the Prepress Portal system, all customized e-mail templates are automatically backed up and saved on your local InSite server at J:\inetpub\wwwroot\PrinergyWebRoot\RUser\custom\emailBackups\*TimeStamp*. Then, during the upgrade process, the templates folder in the original location is overwritten with the default content. The system administrator will receive an e-mail during the upgrade, specifying which customized files were overwritten. Your customized e-mail templates in J:\inetpub\wwwroot\PrinergyWebRoot\RUser\custom\email are not affected but will need to be reviewed for compatibility after the upgrade.To restore your customized e-mail templates, when the upgrade process is complete and you have restarted the system, copy the templates from the backup location into the original folder (J:\inetpub\wwwroot\PrinergyWebRoot\RUser\custom\email).

Note: The InSite installer will automatically upgrade the software on the Distribution Server (if applicable). If the upgrade process fails, contact your service representative.

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