Use this dialog box to create a custom field.


Identifies the names of the custom fields for the element selected.
You cannot edit this column. If you want to update the name of the custom field, delete the custom filed and create a new one.

Default Value

Identifies the default value of the custom field.
You can edit a default value for a custom field by selecting the default value column and updating the value. For example if the Type for the default value is set to Date, you can select the default value column and click the triangle to display a calendar to select a new date.


Identifies the data type for the custom field that is used to show information about the job or element selected. The options are as follows:
Text: Use alphabetical characters only.
Integer: Use whole numbers only.
Decimal: Use numerical values only.
Yes/No: Checkbox (selected=Yes)
Date: Select a date from the calendar.
You cannot edit this column. If you want to update the data type for the custom field, you have to delete the custom field and create a new one.


Click this button to finish the process of creating a new custom field, and close the Add Custom Field dialog box.
After clicking this button, start typing values for another new custom field or click Close to return to Custom Fields Manager.

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