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  1. In Packaging Layout Automation Manager, select the Marks tab and open the folder SmartMarks.
  2. Select the CB_4-color.pdf.
  3. On the Mark Settings dialog box, modify the placements settings as follows:
    • Anchored To - Substrate (Press Sheet)
    • Mark > Rotation - choose 90°
    • Mark > Anchor Point - bottom left corner
    • Vertical Position - Bottom (Type - Stepped and 0 Margin).
    • Horizontal Position - Left with 0.125" offset (Type - Simple).
  4. Click Save As.
  5. Name the new mark as XX_4-Color_Vertical, and save it to the XX_Markset folder that you created in the Use Packaging Layout Automation: create SmartMarks and mark sets activity.
  6. Click Save.
  7. Click the Refresh icon, and locate your new SmartMark.
  • No labels