Page tree

    Add a JTP to perform a specific type of processing on a specific server in your Prinergy system.

    1. From the JTP menu, select Add JTP, and then select one of the following types:
      • Archive
      • CopyJob
      • Generate
      • Import/Export
      • Output
      • Refine
    2. For archive, output, and refine JTPs, select a specific JTP in the JTP Type box:

      For this type

      Select one of these JTPs

      • Archive/Retrieve
      • Disk Purge
      • Bridge - Delta Technology
      • CTLWOutput
      • Expose
      • Heidelberg Primesetter
      • Heidelberg Signasetter
      • Print Console
      • Proofing Device (256 MB)
      • Speedway Engine Manager
      • VectorOutput
      • Copydot
      • DOP
      • Heidelberg Herkules
      • Heidelberg Quasar
      • PostScript Level 3
      • PrintLink
      • Proofing Device (256/512 MB)
      • Proofing Device Extended
      • Topsetter Engine Manager
      • Insite Proofing Device

      • CEPSConversion
      • Copydot
      • Optimize
      • Color Matcher
      • Normalize
      • Trap
      • Insite Color Match

      Note: Some JTPs, such as Printlink and CTM Transform, can be added only once. If they already exist, they no longer appear in the JTP Type box.
      Note: Whether you add a Copydot JTP under the refine type or the output type, you can use the Copydot JTP in both output and refine process templates.

    3. In the Name box, type a name for the new JTP.
      Note: You cannot change the name of the PrintLink, Archive/Retrieve, or Disk Purge JTP.
      Tip: To help you easily identify the JTPs in your system, include the following information:
          • JTP type—for example, Normalize
          • Location or server—for example, ServerA
          • Other unique identifiers—for example, the options selected for the JTP. This will help you select only JTPs with the same options when adding JTPs to a pool.

      Example JTP names: Normalize ServerARender_Staccato.

    4. In the Host Server list, select a server to add the JTP to.
      Note: For an Archive JTP, select the server that is connected to the archiving device.
    5. For certain JTPs, next to Features, select the check boxes for specific features:

    For this type of JTP



    • Import Unpopulated Job Ticket to import a blank imposition plan with blank pages assigned to page positions
    • Import Populated Job Ticket to import an imposition plan with job pages already assigned to page positions
    • Import Job File to import a compressed file containing all or part of a job that was exported from another Prinergy system
    • Export to export all or part of a job to a compressed file for use in another Prinergy system
    • Import Pageset to import a compressed file that was exported from the Page Assigner

    • Refine Copydot Improvements to detect copydot files and optimize them for use in Prinergy. Always select this option.
    • Descreen/Resample Copydot to descreen and resample copydot files to the output resolution specified in a process template
    • Calibrate Copydot to control dot gain calibration by selecting a calibration curve in a process template

    DOP, Expose, Heidelberg devices, Print Console, Proofing devices, and Topsetter
    • Staccato 20 Series
    • Staccato 10 Series
    • Staccato 25 Series
    • Maxtone Screening
    • Seamless Screening
    • DigiCap
    • Hyperflex Basic
    • Hyperflex Advanced

    PrintLinkIf you have a site license for PrintLink, select the Printlink: Site check box.
    • VectorOutput: DCS 2
    • VectorOutput: Separated PS
    • VectorOutput: PDF|
    • No labels