All of the built-in production reports are available as PDF or HTML files, which can be viewed, printed, or saved. The Job Work Summary, Chronological Transaction Report, and Employee Daily Production By Job are also available as TSV (tab separated values) files, which can be imported into software such as Microsoft Excel spreadsheet software or into your own reporting format. Data is captured only for jobs that are created after the Business Link software is installed. To avoid partial tracking of materials, jobs that were created before the software was installed are not captured.

Give your report users the following instructions so that they can generate reports.

  1. From the Start menu, select Programs > Kodak > Prinergy Business Link > Reports.
  2. Use the logon information provided by the system administrator to log on to the reports Web site. The default user name is reports and the default password is kodak.
    Note: It is not currently possible to change the user name or password.
  3. Select a language for the report.
  4. Select the type of report that you want to generate.
  5. Specify the parameters for the report that you want to generate—for example, job name, start date, end date, and user name.
  6. Click one of the following buttons to select a format for the report file:
  7. View, print, or save the report that is generated: