Use a text editor to add or reduce the number of JDF-resolve criteria in a profile. You can experiment with various combinations of settings until you have a profile that gives the best results. Choose a profile that is already set to the desired type of automation, but for which you want to modify other settings.
Important: Do not modify the provided PrepsPrinergy or default.cfg profiles, because this can adversely affect other Prinergy Workshop processes.

Note: In the following procedure, substitute your profile name for XXX.
If you set two conflicting options to Yes, Preps uses the first option that it encounters in the profile list.

  1. Use a text editor to open the XXX.cfg profile, which is located in [%AraxiHome%]\CreoAraxi\AraxiPreps\ProfilesXXX.
    In the steps that follow, search for the lines to be edited, and set the options to either Yes or No (not case sensitive). Edit only the text that follows the colon [ : ] in each line.
  2. Ensure that the JDFOutputToTargetRoute option is set to YES.
    This option is required to automatically send a copy of all JDF output data to the Business Link JDFFiles share-folder. You specify this path when installing the software.
  3. Set the JDF-resolve criteria that you want to match when creating or selecting a signature. The following settings are recommended:
  4. Leave the other JDF options at their default setting, unless a change is needed for troubleshooting purposes, typically under the advice of a service representative.
    For information about the other profile JDF options, see the Preps Pro 5.3.2 Auto Signature Creation technical bulletin.
  5. Save and close the file.

To activate your changes, select the edited profile in the ImportAll process template in Prinergy Workshop.
Note: Preps expects to find only one profile in each folder inside the Profiles folder, and the name of the folder must be the same as the profile name. If you save a profile under a new name, you must manually create a folder for the new profile.