Create a screen instance in DotShop composer

  1. From the Primary server, start DotShop Composer: 
  2. From the Edit menu, select Add to add a new screen instance.
  3. In the Add New Screen Instance dialog box: 
    1. Name the screen instance XX175 Maxtone c3-18 (where <XX> represents your initials).

    2. Change the Screen Type to Maxtone.

    3. Select the Dot Shape of Round-Square (Euclidean).

    4. Change the Screen Ruling to 175.000.

    5. In the Calibration section, clear the Use Process Template Settings option.

    6. In the Print Curve list, select c3, NX Any 18% 2400 AM.

  4. Leave other settings as the default. Click OK.
  5. From the Edit menu, select Add to create a second screen instance with the following settings:
    1. Name the screen instance XX175 MaxtoneCX c3-18 (where <XX> represents your initials).

    2. Change the Screen Type to Maxtone CX.

    3. Select the Dot Shape of Round-Square (Euclidean).

    4. Change the Screen Ruling to 175.000.

    5. In the Calibration section, clear the Use Process Template Settings option.
    6. In the Print Curve list, select c3, NX Any 18% 2400 AM.
    7. in the Plate Curve list, select either None or Process Template Setting.
    8. In the MaxTone Dot Width section, clear the Use Process Template Settings option.

    9. In the Highlights box, enter 20.

  6. Leave other settings as the default. Click OK.

 Duplicate a screen instance in DotShop Composer

The following demonstrates how to create a new screen instance based on an existing screen instance.

  1. In DotShop Composer, select the screen instance named XX175 MaxtoneCX c3-18.
  2. Click Duplicate.
  3. In the Edit Screen Instance dialog box: 
    1. Change the Screen Instance Name to XX175 MaxtoneSX c3-18.

    2. Change the Screen Type to Maxtone SX.

    3. In the MaxTone Dot Width section, clear the Use Process Template Settings option.

    4. In the Highlights box, select 3x3.
    5. In the Shadows box, select 4x4.

  4. Leave other settings as the default. Click OK.

 Save the screen instance as a SIF file

  1. From the File menu in DotShop Composer, choose Save. Click Yes to overwrite the existing DotShop.SIF file.
  2. From the File menu, choose Exit to close the DotShop Composer.

Open a job

  1. If it is not already open, start Prinergy Workshop.
  2. In Job Finder, expand your main group.
  3. Double-click XX_Pack_Automation_Job2 from Activity Build a Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation job - job 2 to open it.
  4. Minimize the Job Manager window.

Apply screen instances using Prinergy DotShop

  1. Open the 123ramps_StepWedge_v1.p1.pdf file in Adobe Acrobat.
  2. In Acrobat, click the Prinergy DotShop button on the toolbar to start DotShop.

    Note: If Prinergy DotShop can't locate the .sif file associated to the server you are working on, you will need to direct DotShop to the appropriate server. From the Acrobat menu, choose Preferences > Prinergy DotShop. In the License Server menu, select the correct server. Restart DotShop for the server selection to take effect.

  3. In the Prinergy DotShop window, click the Select object tool.
  4. Click the 1 vignette.
  5. Choose XX175 Maxtone c3-18 from the Screen Instance menu.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Click the 2 vignette.
  8. Choose XX175 MaxtoneCX c3-18 from the Screen Instance menu.
  9. Click Apply.
  10. Click the 3 vignette.
  11. Choose XX175 MaxtoneSX c3-18 from the Screen Instance menu.
  12. Click Apply.
  13. Save the PDF file and close Adobe Acrobat.

Output and view the results in TAP

  1. In the Job Manager window, in the Process Templates area, select Global.
  2. Expand Loose 1-Up Artwork Proof.
  3. Expand XXLoose1-UpGroup.
  4. From the 1-Up Artwork section on the left, select and drag the 123ramps_StepWedge_v1.p1.pdf file to the XXLoose1-Up process template
  5. Click Edit Process Template.
  6. Expand the Processed File Options section.
  7. Select the Use Custom File Naming option.
  8. Type %Filename%_dotshop_%LongColorName%.%extension% in the Filename Template box. 
  9. Close the Processed File Options section.
  10. Expand the Calibration & Screening section.
  11. Select Keep DotShop Settings in the Screening Mode area.  Leave all other settings at default.
  12. Click OK.
  13. Click OK.
  14. Wait for output to complete.
  15. Right-click the Job Folder button in the lower-left corner of Job manager and select Open Job Folder in the File Browser.
  16. Open the Plates folder.
  17. Open the plate file in TIFF Assembler Plus (TAP) for previewing the job.
  18. Use the tools in TAP to verify the screen settings for the vignettes were applied per the DotShop settings.
  19. Close TAP when finished.
  20. Close the Plates window.
  21. Close XX_Pack_Automation_Job2 Job Manager.