1. In the 1-up Artwork pane, double-click the newly created PDF file Vitamins.p1.pdf, and preview it in Acrobat.
  2. Click the Kodak Geometry Editor button  on the Acrobat toolbar.
  3. In Acrobat, select View > Tools > Kodak Tools and then select the Kodak Geometry Editor icon from the Kodak Tools section of theTools panel on the right.
  4. Set trim box region by moving the four blue lines inward until overlapping with the die lines.
  5. Save the file and close Kodak Geometry Editor.
    Note: If you have the Enfocus PitStop software installed on your computer, you can use it as an alternative method for setting the trim box.
  6. Quit Acrobat.
  7. In the 1-Up Artwork pane, select the Vitamins.p1.pdf file.
  8. From the Process menu, select Refine > Refine > 2ndRef-MapColors Trap.
  9. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.