The Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack workflow could be described as an eight-stage process, depending upon the required steps to be achieved.

These eight steps include:

  1. Create a job
  2. Add input files
  3. Refine input file to PDF file
  4. Proof refined 1-up artwork
  5. Step and repeat 1-up artwork
  6. Create step-and-repeat output
  7. Create final output (to film or plate)
  8. Manage completed job elements

With Packaging Layout Automation software, Kodak Pandora, and Rules-Based Automation, you can automate Steps 1 to 6, provided that you use reliable input files and SmartMarks in the workflow. Behind the scenes, however, the system does not skip any of these steps and processes the job according to your pre-set requirements.