This guide has been created for instructor-led classroom training, instructor-led on-site training, on-site coaching sessions with a Kodak field support specialist, or for self-study.

If you need to review information covered during a training session that you attended, or if you weren't able to attend training, the following provides a path to learn Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack on your own.

  1. Set aside time to complete this material.
    Allow five to seven hours to complete all recommended activities. 
    Plan how you will complete this training around your regular production work. Try to complete the training in sections. The activity outline shows how the information can be divided into shorter, easy-to-manage sessions.
  2. Complete the hands-on activities in this guide
    Hands-on activities provide you with direct experience using Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack. Activities are the main component of this training. Before beginning the activities, complete the following:
    1. Create a new folder on your workstation desktop.
    2. Copy the activity practice files from the Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack student DVD to the new folder.
    3. View the activity outline to identify which activities best meet your needs.
    4. Read the Prinergy Workflow Packaging Automation Expansion Pack introduction in this guide.
    5. Complete the appropriate hands-on activities.
    6. Complete the activity review questions, and try to apply your new knowledge to your own working environment.