In the activity files that were provided, there is an XML file called Self-Study.XML. We will assume that this was received from the eCommerce site. This XML file includes information about how to name the job, where to store it, which input files and imposition to use, and how to assign the pages using APA.

In this step, you will edit the XML file for your environment and then validate the XML file against the schema to ensure that RBA will be able to interpret all the information.

  1. In the Groups tree in Schema Manager, select RBA Self-Study Guide. The schema that you added, RBA Self-Study appears under this group heading.
  2. Click Test.

  3. Click the Browse button and locate the file Self-Study.XML. It is located in the XML folder within the activity files folder that you copied in Activity 1.
  4. Click the Test button.

    A message is displayed in the Results section: Namespace "" not specified on root element, verification against schema is probably being skipped. This means that a namespace was expected but not specified on the root element. This is okay. The XML is valid and will work with RBA.