Create a job

  1. If it is not already open, start Prinergy Workshop.
  2. In Job Finder, right-click your main group, and choose New Job.
  3. Type the job name XX_Use_RBA (where <XX> represents your initials).
  4. Click Create.
  5. Minimize the Job Manager window.

Copy an input file to the job folder 

  1. From your workstation, locate: Prinergy Activity Practice Files / Act_28_RBA  / Input File 
  2. Restore Job Manager.
  3. Open the Input File folder. 
  4. Drag the Preps Brochure.pdf to the Job Manager's Input Files area.
  5. In the Add Input Files dialog box that appears, under Options, clear the Process Selected Files Using Process Template check box.
  6. Click OK.
    Your file is copied to the UserDefinedFolders folder.
  7. Minimize the Job Manager window.

Edit a sample rule

  1. From the Tools menu in Job Manager, choose Rule Set Manager.
  2. In the Rule Sets list, open the folder named Sample Rule Sets.
  3. Right-click the sample rule named Hot Folder Refine and choose Open.

  4. In the Read Only Rule Set dialog box, select Open Copy.

  5. From the File menu, select Save As.
  6. From the Save in list, select Rule Sets.

  7. In the Save Rule Set As dialog box, type the name XX_Sample Rule (where <XX> represents your initials) in the Rule Set Name window. Click Save.
  8. In the Rule Builder window, double-click the red line separating the Register Files icon and the Refine icon

    1. In the Rule Parameters Editor dialog box, click the text (Enter a Value) beside Process Template Path.
    2. Click the Edit Value button (...) to access the Parameter Value dialog box.

    3. In the Parameter Value dialog box, select the process template: Refine > Refine > 1stRef-Normz. Click OK.

    4. Click OK to close the Rule Parameters Editor dialog box.
      Note: The red line has now changed to a grey line. This indicates that a parameter has been associated to the rule.
  9. From the File menu, select Save.
  10. Close the Rule Builder window.
  11. In Rule Set Manager select your XXSampleRule. Click the Enable button. The rule is now activated for use with your job.

  12. Close the Rule Set Manager.

Create a hot folder

In this task, a hot folder is created to trigger the RBA rule. Once created, the input file will be copied to the hot folder and the RBA rule will begin processing the file.

  1. From the Job menu, choose Manage Hot Folders.
  2. Click Add.
  3. In the Create Hot Folder dialog box, select the Add and Process Files option.
  4. In the Process Template list, scroll down to the Automation: Enabled Rules section.
  5. Locate your newly created rule using the path: Automation: Enabled Rules > XX_Use_RBA > XXSampleRule.
  6. Select your XXSampleRule and click OK.

  7. In the Manage Hot Folders dialog box, review the location of the new hot folder. Click Close.

Use the sample rule

  1. Right-click the XX_Use_RBA job folder icon in the bottom left corner of Job Manager. Select Open Job Folder in File Browser.
  2. Locate UserDefinedFolders / Input File / Preps Brochure.pdf.
  3. Copy the Preps Brochure.pdf file.
  4. In your XX_Use_RBA job folder, open the subfolder named Hot Folders
    Inside HotFolders are two folders: XXSampleRule and Processed.

  5. Open the XXSampleRule folder and paste Preps Brochure.pdf into the hot folder.

  6. Restore Job Manager to monitor the automatic processing of the input file.

    Note: As defined by your RBA sample rule, the input file is automatically added to Job Manager and refined into PDF pages.

Delete the sample rule

  1. From the Tools menu, select Rule Set Manager.
  2. In the Enabled Rule Sets list, locate your rule set XXSampleRule.
  3. Click the Disable button.
  4. Right-click your XXSampleRule and select Delete. Click Yes to verify that you want to delete the rule.
  5. Close Rule Set Manager.

Delete job elements

  1. In Job Manager, select and delete all PDF pages.
  2. Select and remove the Preps Brochure.pdf input file.