Add a new license to start using the feature that you purchased.

New licenses can be added while Prinergy is running, but new options may not be available until the Prinergy server is restarted. 

There are two options to add licenses to your Prinergy system:

For both the Retrieve or Load License Key from file options, use the following procedure:

  1. On the primary Prinergy server, in Prinergy Administrator, from the License menu, select Manage License Key.
  2. Click the Add License Key button.
    The Add License Key dialog box appears.
  3. Verify that your correct License ID is displayed in the License ID box.
    Your License ID is the same as your Prinergy Workflow serial number which takes the form YCxxxxx or YCxxxxx-xx. If you do not know your Prinergy Workflow serial number and you have a Partner Place account you can look it up by performing the following actions:
    Note: If you do not have a Partner Place account but do have a support plan that entitles you to the Prinergy upgrade, register at, and then perform the following actions.
    1. Log on to Partner Place at
    2. Go to Service & Support > Product Registration and License Activation > View registered products.

    3. Select your site. A list of registered products appears, including the serial number for your Prinergy Workflow system (in the form YCxxxxx or YCxxxxx-xx).

  4. Verify that your correct Partner Place username is displayed in the Partner Place username box.
    Note: If required, you can create a new Partner Place account or change the one you are using, by clicking the Create\Update Partner Place username link.
  5. Select the License Key option.
  6. Click Retrieve License.
  7. Perform one of the following actions:
  8. If Prinergy cannot reach the server for automatic license retrieval it will provide you with the opportunity to save an XML license request file. Save the XML license request file and transfer it to a system that has internet access.
  9. In a web browser, go to:
  10. On the web page, click Browse in Microsoft Internet Explorer, or Choose File in Google Chrome.
  11. In the browser that opens, navigate to the location of your XML license request file, select it and click Open.
  12. To submit your license request file, on the web page, click Upload file.
    An XML license response file is created.
  13. Save the XML license response file and transfer it to your Prinergy primary server.
  14. In Prinergy Administrator, in the Add License Key dialog box, select the Load License key from file (main/trial) option.
  15. Click Browse and navigate to your XML response file.
  16. Click Read File.
  17. After the license appears in the License Key box, click Apply.
  18. Your Prinergy system is now licensed. Close the License Management windows and start Prinergy to begin using your licensed options.

With some licensed features, you must manually enable the license before the feature can be used, even though the feature may be listed in the Prinergy Licensed Information dialog box.
After you enter all licenses, save a copy of the license information and keep it in a safe place. If a license is accidentally removed, you will need this information.