Adding job-specific work types (red text)

You cannot use the Work Type Editor to add a work type to a specific Prinergy job. Job-specific work types can be added only by editing a standard work type in Prinergy Workshop or in InSite.

For details, see the applicable user documentation.

Using Workshop to customize work types for jobs

Prinergy Workshop includes a Work Type list in the various Start Process dialog boxes, which operators can access for customizing work types for a job.

Before you can customize the work types for specific jobs in Prinergy Workshop, the Prinergy server must be restarted at least once after Business Link is installed.
Note: The Work Type list is visible only if the Prepress Workflow Connector is communicating with the Prinergy system and only if you start a job from Job Manager in the Prinergy software. The Work Type list is not visible from Job Finder.

Prinergy operators typically select from predefined work types, and they can also customize the Alteration Chargeable and Rework Chargeable work types on a per-job basis. For each custom work type, they can specify the name of the person who approved the work type and provide a description, such as why, when, and how the change request was made.

  1. In Prinergy Workshop, start a job process.
  2. In the Start Process dialog box beside the Work Type list, click Edit.
  3. In the Manage Work Types dialog box, select the work type category that describes how to charge for this job (Alteration Chargeable or Rework Chargeable), and click Add.
  4. In the Edit Work Type dialog box, optionally use the Description box to provide more information about why a change is being made.
  5. In the Approved By area, type information about who authorized the alteration or rework, and click OK.

Troubleshooting unavailable work types in Prinergy

If you cannot select a work type in Prinergy after configuring the work types, it might be because either the Prinergy or the Business Link server is not running.

  1. If you did not restart the Prinergy server after installing Business Link, start the Prinergy software on the primary server now.
  2. If Business Link is not running, start the Business Link server again: Start > Programs > Kodak > Prinergy Business Link > Start Server.
  3. If Business Link is running and work types are still not available, check the log files. If they indicate an error condition, contact a service representative.