Prinergy tasks such as refining or RIPing a job's input files, managing pages, generating proofs, and outputting plates, film, or both, are performed based on predefined settings that are contained in Prinergy process templates.
Process information that Prinergy sends to Business Link includes:

After you generate and use a new process template in Prinergy, Business Link adds the process template to its Process Mapping tab, which lists all existing Prinergy process templates. 
Note the following points:

You can organize the prepress information that Business Link receives from Prinergy to fit the needs of your reporting audience, whether the information is reported using Business Link built-in reports or customized MIS reports.

Process mappings for built-in reports
Built-in production reports ideally contain summary information rather than details about each Prinergy process. To make it easier for your audience to read the reports, you can map multiple related processes to a single term that describes a general operation. The built-in reports will then display the compiled process data under the report operation names that you set up.
Note: Process mappings are retroactive for all built-in reports. After a process is executed in Prinergy, you can still set up or change a mapping and generate reports using the updated mapped information.

Process mappings for MIS connectors
If an MIS connector is used, Business Link forwards any information that it receives about completed processes. If Business Link determines that a material and device are associated with a process template that was used, then that information is also sent.
Note: Process mappings are not retroactive when JDF connectivity is used. A mapping must be configured before the corresponding process is executed.