You need to create a rich black trap in a refined PDF file, and maintain a "keep away" or "pull back" of the three process colors that make up the rich black.

Create a job

  1. If it is not already open, start Prinergy Workshop.
  2. In Job Finder, right-click your main group, and choose New Job.
  3. Type the job name XX_Rich_Black_Trap (where <XX> represents your initials).
  4. Click Create.
  5. Minimize the Job Manager window.

Copy an input file to the job folder and add input files to the job

  1. From your workstation, locate: Prinergy Activity Practice Files / Act_37_Rich Black Trap / Input File
  2. Restore Job Manager.
  3. Open the Input File folder. 
  4. Drag the Rich Black.pdf file to the Job Manager's Input Files area.
  5. In the Add Input Files dialog box that appears, under Options, click Select and select the 1stRef-Normz refine process template.
  6. Click OK.
    Your file is copied to the UserDefinedFolders folder.
  7. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK to start the Refine process.

Color map the refined PDF page

  1. In the Pages pane, right-click Rich Black.p1.pdf and select the process template: Refine > Refine > 2ndRef-MapColors.
  2. In theStart Process dialog box, click the Color Mapping button.
  3. In the Color Mappings dialog box, select Dieline.
  4. In the Color Information section, select Add.
  5. In the Select a Color Library dialog box, select the following:
    Job (XX_Rich_Black_Trap)
  6. Click OK.
  7. In the Color Editor dialog box, select the following:
    Trapping Information: 
    Opacity= Dieline 
    Alternate Color Space = 100% Black
  8. Click OK.
  9. In the Color Mappings dialog box, select Spot Yellow.
  10. In the Color Information section, select Add.
  11. In the Select a Color Library dialog box, select the following:
    Job (XX_Rich_Black_Trap)
  12. Click OK.
  13. In the Color Editor dialog box, select the following:
    Trapping Information: 
    Opacity= Normal 
    Alternate Color Space = 100% Yellow
  14. Click OK.
  15. In the Color Mappings dialog box, click OK.
  16. In the Start Process dialog box, click OK.
  17. Open Rich Black.p1.pdf in Adobe Acrobat.

Trap the PDF page using the Kodak PDF trap editor

  1. In Acrobat, click the Kodak PDF Trap Editor button on the toolbar to start PDF Trap Editor.
  2. Click the Trap Page icon.
  3. In the Trap Page section, enter a value of 0.2 pt (.06mm). Click the Trap Page button.
  4. Select the Highlight traps icon to view the objects that have been trapped. Click the icon again to deselect the highlighted traps.
  5. Close Acrobat and click Save.

Proof a "pull back" trap

  1. Select Rich Black.p1.pdf and make a Loose Page VPS proof to view the trap results.
  2. Open the loose page VPS output.
  3. Using the zoom tool, enlarge the bottom of the yellow $ (dollar sign) and some of the reverse type.
  4. Turn off all colors except Black and Spot Yellow.
  5. Confirm that Spot Yellow traps to Black by moving the black slider to the left. You will see the overlap between the colors.
  6. Turn off Spot Yellow and turn on Cyan. In this image, cyan is used as a "booster" color to enhance the black background.
  7. Move the black slider to the left. View the zone around the white type that has no cyan appearing in it.
    This is called "pull back", and is designed to prevent cyan from showing in the white type if there is misregistration on press.
  8. Turn off the Black separation, and turn on the Spot Yellow separation.
  9. Move the sliders for either the cyan or the spot yellow colors. You will not see any overlap between these colors as black is trapping these areas.
  10. Quit the Virtual Proofing System software.
  11. Close XX_Rich_Black_Trap Job Manager.