There is no default template for EFI installed with Prinergy. Use the EFI software to create your own EFI JDF templates.
If you create a Fiery job ticket template (virtual printer) on the Fiery station for each digital press that will use the EFI Fiery digital front end, you can then convert these virtual printers to JDF templates that can be used to submit jobs from Prinergy Digital Print.

  1. Create a virtual printer in the Fiery software. For more information, see the Fiery Web site.
  2. Download the EFI Fiery JDF Express Tickets utility that converts this virtual printer to a JDF template from the Kodak services and support portal.
    No installation is required for this utility.
  3. Unzip the utility into any folder. The default subfolder name is: FieryJDFExpressTickets1.0.0.9.
  4. Start the utility by performing one of the following actions:
      • Double-click the executable file JDFExpressTickets.exe.
      • Create a shortcut on your desktop to start the utility. To do this, right-click JDFExpressTickets.exe file, select Create Shortcut, and then copy the shortcut to the desktop.

    After the utility starts, the JDF Express Tickets dialog box appears. 

  5. Enter the server IP address or name by performing one of the following actions:
  6. Map a drive to \\<PrimaryServerName>\DigitalPrintTemplates and create a subfolder named Fiery. In the JDF Ticket Template Location, click the button to browse to the mapped drive letter to store the converted JDF template.
  7. Click the Create Template button to create the JDF template.
  8. (Optional) Click the Open button to open the JDF template destination to check on the created JDF templates.
    Note: Click Clear to clear the context box.
  9. Repeat to create additional JDF templates, if required.
  10. Copy these JDF templates into Prinergy. You can copy them to C:\Prinergy\CreoAraxi\data\DigitalPrintTemplates, or if desired, create a Fiery subfolder under DigitalPrintTemplates.

At runtime, when submitting a job to Prinergy Digital Direct, the operator selects one of these Fiery JDF templates. The operator can override those parameters that Prinergy allows to change (without using the DFE native job ticket editor)—namely, the quantity (JDF Amount) and the input PDF files to be sent.
The JDF template is sent to the Fiery controller via JMF submission. The Fiery controller consumes the JDF template and understands that it references a native virtual printer on the Fiery controller.

An example of an EFI Fiery job ticket

- <JDF xmlns="" Activation="Active" DescriptiveName="VP4" ID="ID1" Status="Ready" Type="Combined" Types="DigitalPrinting" Version="1.3" xmlns:EFI="" xmlns:jdftyp="" xmlns:xsi="" JobPartID="JP1" NamedFeatures="FieryVirtualPrinter VP4">
- <ResourcePool>
- <RunList Class="Parameter" ID="RL1" Locked="false" Status="Available">
- <LayoutElement>
<FileSpec URL="" />
<DigitalPrintingParams Class="Parameter" ID="DP1" Locked="false" Status="Available" />
<Component Class="Quantity" ComponentType="FinalProduct" DescriptiveName="Digital Printing Output" ID="C1" Locked="false" Status="Available" />
- <ResourceLinkPool>
<RunListLink CombinedProcessIndex="0" Usage="Input" rRef="RL1" />
<DigitalPrintingParamsLink CombinedProcessIndex="0" Usage="Input" rRef="DP1" />
<ComponentLink Amount="1" Usage="Output" rRef="C1" />