Set preferences, select View menu options, and click workspace tools to control the display of dimensions in the workspace.
If you edit the distance between a locked, ganged page and an adjacent page, the locked page does not move, even if it is the page that you selected. Only the adjacent page moves.
Measurement | Description |
Page or page group dimensions | Select Show Page Sizes to display gray lines and text boxes for the width and height of a selected object. A dashed blue border indicates a selected group. Finished page dimensions can be edited only on the Template Page tab in the Properties pane. The dimensions of a placed media or stock cannot be edited in the workspace. |
Margins between stock edge and selected page, section, or media edges | Lines and text boxes indicate sheet margins, and you can edit the text boxes to reposition the objects. |
Center to center distances | Select Show Dimensions to display lines and text boxes for the distances between the centers of equal-sized and aligned objects. |
Trim edge to trim edge distances | Select Show Dimensions to display lines between the edges of a selected object (page or section) and any adjacent edges of the same object type, such as to show gap, gutter, or trim widths. |