
  1. Evo 9.0 Client is not supported with Mac OS. Kodak will offer two instances of Parallels VM for Evo 8.2 and above customers with the subscription bundle contract. See details in Supported client workstations.
  2. Please install .NET Framework 3.5 prior to Evo 9 install on the server. There are two options to install and you'll need Administrator right to perform the steps below.

Option #1: From the command line by following the steps below

Option #2: Via Windows Server Manager by following the steps below

3. Selecting the Prinergy Evo Tutorials menu under Evo 9.0 Help or clicking the blue question marks on the Process Template Tabs point to the old Evo Help. Please go to and find out more information.

4. Evo 9.0 does not support CPSI RIP. If the Saved Configuration has CPSI RIP selected in the Process Template, Evo 9 Restore Configuration would automatically convert the RIP option to APPE RIP.

5. The license key format has changed in Evo 9.0. Please follow the steps below to upgrade your license. 

6. If the following message pops up when trying to Restore Configuration in Evo 9, please make sure to click No and call Kodak Support if you still need help.

These release notes describe the changes made in this release of the software. Where applicable, the release notes refer you to additional documents for more information.