If an imposition has been created using Layered Prinergy Versioning and output with Advanced TIFF Tags, additional versioning information is available for viewing and evaluating version separations.

Choosing Sheet > Versioning Info... or selecting the Version Info... icon in the Separations panel brings up a visual version plan, that allows you to evaluate base and version separations.

You can press the swap button in the panel to swap the X and Y axis, to aid in visualization.

After swap:

Selecting version for display from the Separations > Versions menu in the Separations panel

When you select a version, it activates the relevant versioning separation for viewing in the Imposition Window. This is useful for evaluating versioning, because by default versioning separations are only identify by their color. (ie. Black)

One version selected:

Another version selected

If you select Common, then all versioning separations are deactivated and only separations common to all versions are visible in the Imposition viewing window.

Toggle Separation labels

You can toggle separation labels to make it easier to identify which separations are being viewed. 

You can toggle labels between:

To toggle separation labels, click directly on the separation with the cursor.

If a separation name is cut off because it is too long to fit in the column, you can position the cursor over the name to display a Tool Tip that lists the entire separation name.

Separation Color

CMYK proof simulation color
(with Tool Tip displayed)

 File name (with Tool Tip displayed)