1. Launch the Adobe Illustrator software and open the document you want to work with.
  2. In the Illustrator menu bar, from the Window menu, select Prinergy Tools > Tool > Show Guide. Or, select the Prinergy Guide Tool  in the toolbar.
    The guide will appear when you click in the file.

  3. To move the Prinergy Guide:
    1. When you select the guide, the cursor will change to .
    2. When you move the cursor near the origin of the guide, the cursor changes to .
    3. When you press and move the mouse, the guide moves as the cursor moves.
    4. When you move the cursor near the horizontal or vertical axis of the guide (at a distance from the origin), press Shift and click the mouse. The cursor changes to   or   .
    5. Move the mouse and a single line of the guide in the corresponding direction will move as the mouse moves.
    6. Press Alt and click the mouse, then the origin will automatically move to the current position of the cursor.
  4. To rotate the Prinergy Guide: 
    1. Select the Prinergy Guide Tool, and the cursor will change into   . 
    2. Move the cursor near the horizontal axis and the vertical axis of the Prinergy Guide (a certain distance from the origin), and the cursor will change into   . 
    3. Then press and move the mouse, and the Prinergy Guide will rotate as the cursor moves.