VPS/TIFF files or layouts appear in display windows within the workspace. You can resize and reposition display windows as needed.

What you see and the information provided in display windows will change, depending on whether you are in Commercial Mode or .Packaging Mode v9.6.

Click the following links to view the information provide in each different Model

Commercial Mode Display Windows

Packaging Mode Display Windows

The display window in Layout mode

When you preview a layout, the status bar of its display window shows the following information:

The display window in Preview mode 

When you preview a TIFF file, the status bar of its display window shows the following information:

Note: Opening two files opens two display windows that you can rearrange—for example, to view and compare the images side by side.

The display window in Job Planning mode

When you switch to job planning mode (Modify > Switch to Job Planning), the corrugated job "layout" appears in the display window over the previewed corrugated job files.

The purple lines indicate the carrier dimensions. The red line is the first-to-knife line (the bottom margin).

When you preview a corrugated job in job planning mode, the status bar of its display window shows the following information: 

The display window in PDF Geometry Design mode 

When you switch to PDF geometry design mode (Modify > Switch to PDF Geometry Design), the job appears in a new display window over the previewed job files.

The displayed image is framed by two or three colored rectangles: the media box, the trim box, and (optional) the bleed box, according to the current settings in the  PDF Preferences. You cannot apply different boxes to different separations that are open together.

In PDF geometry design mode, the status bar of the display window shows the same information as in Preview mode: