
Select to browse to the file that will launch the software.
The software name will appear in the Application Name area, along with the job ticket versions supported.


Select to update the dialog box with changes.


Select this to remove the file that will launch the software.

Auto Detect

Select to find all Preps imposition software licenses at the default installation location.
Any Preps software licenses that are found appear in the Application Name area.
If any previously configured imposition software is moved from the default installation location, the previously configured software appears in red in the Application Name area when you click the Auto Detect button. Reconfigure Prinergy to point to the imposition application in the new location.

Default Export Process Template

Select a default process template used to export the imposition from Prinergy Workshop into the imposition software.
When you create or edit an imposition, the process template that you select here appears in the New Imposition or Edit Imposition dialog boxes. In those dialog boxes, you can accept the default process template or change it.

Default Import Process Template

Select a default process template used to import the imposition from the imposition software into Prinergy Workshop.
When you create or edit an imposition, the process template that you select here appears in the New Imposition or Edit Imposition dialog boxes. In those dialog boxes, you can accept the default process template or change it.