Create a hot folder in Preps Ganging to output a ganged layout to the Prinergy smart hot folder.
For more information and details about automatic ganging, see the Preps Workflow Help: AutoGang hot folders for Prinergy systems.

  1. In Preps, click Preps > Preferences > AutoGang tab, and set the Root Hot Folder to a location on your Prinergy server.
    Note: You can define only one root hot folder path for use by all profiles. The default and custom profiles derive your AutoGang presets, hot folder settings, and a single root folder path from a special configuration file called AutoGanging.cfg.
  2. Complete the Preps Ganging Hot Folder set up dialog box, selecting the output type and location:
  3. Add PDF files to the hot folder.
  4. If you set the hot folder to print manually, you can start Preps Ganging and review the layouts before clicking Print. Otherwise, if the hot folder is set to print automatically, your files will be moved to the Prinergy smart hot folder.