Imposition Name
Populates with the imposition name you typed in the New Imposition dialog box.
Create New Page Set
Select this option to create a new page set in Workshop that is based on the new imposition plan.
By default, the page set is given the same name as the imposition plan, although you can change its name in the Name box.
Displays the name of the page set. You can change the name as desired.
This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.
Displays the letter that will be used to identify the page positions in the new page set. You can change the prefix by typing up to five alphanumeric characters. The prefix must not end with a number.
This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.
Number of Pages
The number of pages in the page set. Type the number of pages in this box and the system will dynamically update the From box. Alternatively, you can let the system automatically calculate the number of pages based on the To and From boxes.
This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.
The first page set position number. You can change the number as desired.
This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.
The last page set position number. You can change the number as desired. The system dynamically updates the Number of Pages box.
This option is available only when you select Create New Page Set.
Use Existing Page Set
Links the new imposition plan to an existing page set in the job. Select this option and, from the list, select an existing page set to which the imposition plan will be linked. Select a page set with the same number of page set positions as the new imposition plan.
This option is available only when the job contains an existing page set. If there is an existing page set, this option is selected automatically and the first page set in the list is selected.
Note: When you select this option, the page assignments in the new imposition plan will overwrite the page assignments in the existing page set. If you do not want to overwrite the page set assignments, select Create New Page Set instead.
Options area
Use existing Preps Job
Select to import an existing Preps job. Browse to and select the .job
Note: Signature Selection does not support import of Preps 6 jobs with come-and-go or cut-and-stack binding styles. When creating a new imposition , if you select Use existing Preps job and select a Preps 6 jobs with a come-and-go or cut-and-stack binding style, an error message appears. You have the choice of selecting a different job file or using an external imposition application to create the imposition.
Binding Style
Select the binding style to show in the Available Templates area, only those imposition templates with the same binding style.
Available Signatures
Navigate to and select the imposition that you want from this area. Once you have clicked the desired imposition, click Add.
Alternatively, click Auto Select to have Prinergy select impositions that provide the correct number of pages. With Auto Select, Prinergy first selects the largest full signature in the template that can accommodate the number of pages in the job. The job pages automatically flow through that signature as many times as needed, and then any remaining pages flow through a partial signature in the template, if available and depending on its position in the selected signatures list. If not, the remaining pages flow through the full signature and blank pages are automatically added, as needed.
Trim Size
Displays the trim size of the selected signature.
Sheet Size
Displays the sheet size of the selected signature.
Select the final output device on which this output is eventually to be printed.
First Page Number in Next Signature
Type the first page number that you want the next signature to start at.
Target Device
Select the device to which you want to associate all selected signatures.
When you associate a signature with a device, you are setting various configuration output attributes for the signature. For information about configuration output attributes that you can set for each device, see the Preps Guide.
Selected Signatures
Displays the signatures that you have selected. You can also edit the Signature Number column and the Page column.
Use the following buttons to modify the selected signature order and delete selected signatures: Move Up, Move Down, and Delete.
Use the Renumber button to automatically renumber the signatures after you rearrange them and reset the starting page. This button overrides any locked numbers.
Shingling (Creep)
Type the amount of shingling that you want to apply in order to compensate for page creep. Positive values move the image area toward the binding edge of the page; negative values move the image away from the binding edge of the page. You can specify either an Inner amount or an Outer amount, or both.
Inner amount
Outer amount
The shingling amounts are distributed evenly to the remaining pages (based on the total number of pages and the template binding style).
Background: Page creep occurs when a signature is folded and the image area of the inside pages of a signature extend slightly beyond the image area of the outside pages. The amount of creep is affected by the number of folds and by paper thickness. In perfect-bound jobs, creep is limited to the pages in each individual signature. In saddle-stitched jobs, each folded signature is placed inside another folded signature, causing the inside signature to extend a bit farther than the signature inside which it is placed.
Calculating Shingling Amounts
Calculate the amount of shingling to compensate for creep in a job. There are two methods of calculating shingling amounts: using an approximate formula, and using the exact method.
Approximate formula: (number of sheets / 4 ) x stock thickness
Note: The value you use for the number of sheets depends on the binding type:
The value of stock thickness is measured in microns. You can use a micrometer to determine this or use the measurement value provided by the paper supplier.
Exact method:
Next, apply the shingling amounts
Bleed Margin Default
Type the default size of bleed margins which is the distance you want the bleed to extend on all sides beyond the page trim box for all pages. Prinergy will not apply a bleed margin if no bleed margin is specified.
Note: Bleeds are automatically cut off at the gutter fold lines.
You may want to decrease the bleed margin default if the actual press sheet is physically shorter than its defined size in order to prevent bleeding off the back edge of the sheet. Also, it is a good idea to increase bleed margins if a job has severe creep due to thick stock, in order to compensate for any shingling that moves the image area of the inner signature towards the binding.
Note: The unit of measurement is defined in the Preferences dialog box.