Imposition Name

Displays the name of the imposition you selected. Read-only.

Select an imposition application

If you are creating an imposition from a template...


That needs to be modified using an external imposition application, such as Preps.

Select Use External Imposition Application. Then, in the Select an imposition application box, select the software you want to use.
Note: If no applications appear on the list, this means that none have been set up. Use the Configure Imposition Applications option from the Tools menu to set up the software that you want to use. 
Note: If the application requires a license and is licensed, the application name appears in bold text.

That does not need to be modified using an external imposition application and if you have the Preps Integration option Automated Imposition.

Select Prinergy Signature Selection.

Note: Signature Selection works in Preps 5 mode, while the rest of Prinergy works in Preps 6 mode. This means that:

Import Imposition Using Process Template

Displays the default process template for importing the imposition from the imposition software to Prinergy Workshop.
If you want to change the process template for importing, click Select.

Export Imposition Using Process Template

Displays the default process template for exporting the imposition from Prinergy Workshop to the imposition software. When you create or edit an imposition, you can change this process template in the New Imposition or Edit Imposition dialog boxes.
If you want to change the process template for exporting, click Select.

Import Type

When you print and send an imposition in Preps, or save an imposition in Pandora, the imposition is brought into Prinergy using the import process template. You can choose the type of import: