file, Preps JDF file, or the JDF-MIS stripping parameters file to use for the imposition..job
file that you want to import.Important: These settings in the Import Imposition dialog box override similar settings in the import process template.
When a Preps job file is imported, the integrated Preps software creates the PJTF and marks files and Prinergy automatically starts the import imposition task. The PJTF is imported and the imposition plan and page set are added to the job. The Preps job is saved in the <job folder>\System\ImpositionPlans
When importing a JDF-MIS stripping parameters file, Preps attempts to associate a matching signature to the job, based on signature information contained in the JDF-MIS stripping parameter file. When a JDF-MIS stripping parameters file is imported, the Preps JDF software creates the Preps job, finds a matching signature, and outputs PJTF and marks files that are automatically imported into the Prinergy job. If a matching signature is found, the PJTF and marks file is created and an imposition plan is imported. The page set is created and the Preps job is saved in the <job folder>\System\ImpositionPlans
If no suitable signature can be found due to insufficient information contained in the job file, no imposition plan will be imported into the Prinergy job: the Preps job is created and a page set is created from the JDF-MIS stripping parameter file but no imposition is created. To assign the correct signatures to the Preps job, you must then use the Create New Imposition menu item and the Use Existing Page Set option to assign the required signatures manually.