Prinergy offers two options for integrating the Preps imposition software: Full Access and Automated Imposition. 

Full access Preps integration option

The full access option enables you to start Preps from within Workshop, and to have the full functionality of your licensed Preps (Preps Pro or Preps Plus, floating license or dongle).
With this option, you can create, edit, and export impositions from Preps and import them into Prinergy for use in Prinergy jobs. You can also create and edit a Preps template. You can import the following files into a Prinergy job:

The following overview describes the imposition creation workflow for the full access Preps integration option.

  1. You add and process the input files and create a page set.
  2. You open Preps from within Prinergy and create an imposition.
    Preps adds a run list of blank pages based on the page set in Prinergy.
  3. You create or edit templates, and then add signatures and define a media (device).
  4. You print the imposition as an Adobe Job Ticket or a JDF file.
    When saving mixed-file jobs, Preps saves the imposition as a job ticket file (.pjtf or .jdf). The marks are saved as a PostScript file (.ps). When saving as a PDF job, the Preps JDF has .pdf mark flats, and the marks are embedded into the PJTF file. 
    Prinergy automatically imports the imposition and assigns the pages to the imposition.

Automated Imposition option

With the Automated Imposition option, you can: