Use the Output Separation with Different Screening sample rule set to apply different screening to different separations.

What the rule does

Generates plates with different final output process templates—one that has Kodak Staccato screening for yellow separations, and one that has AM screening for all other separations

Why it is useful

The rule automates the processing of separations that require different screening.

Events and actions used




Manual Trigger

Filter Items

Perform Final Output


Key parameters

Event or action


Perform Final Output

Process Template Path: For the Selected event of the Filter Items action, select a final output process template with Staccato screening. For the Others event, select a final output process template with AM screening. 
Note: Change the text under the actions to make the difference between the two actions clear. For example, you might change the text of one Perform Final Output action toFinal Output-Staccato. Click the text to change it.

Filter Items

Select items where: Expand Job > Imposition Plans > Signatures > Surfaces, and select Separations 
In the condition statement, expand Job > Imposition Plans > Signatures > Surfaces, and select Color
Select Is Yellow.


Where to enable it

This rule is suitable for enabling either in specific jobs or across the system.

Other considerations

Set up the Final Output process templates for the Final Output action to use.


See also

Creating a basic rule set